
Lil Keed and Lil Gotit are brothers

Lil Gotit and Lil Keed

Yes, Lil Keed and Lil Gotit are related.

YSL signees, Lil Keed and Lil Gotit are both related, they are blood brothers, coming from the same mother and father. Raqhid Render, famously known as Lil Keed and Semaja Zair Render , famously known as Lil Gotit were both born in Atlanta, Georgia. In the Render family there are a total of 7; 6 brothers and 1 sister. Lil Keed began his career making music with his brother Lil Gotit.

YSL (Young Stoner Life) is an Atlanta based label created by Young Thug.

Both Lil Keed and Lil Gotit have collabed on countless songs like Get N Dere Gang, Pass It Out, Yeah Yeah, All Day, Off White, Brotherly Love, and their most recent release upon Lil Keed’s passing Rich $hit.

Below you can see a photo of Lil Keed and Lil Gotit as kids.

Lil Keed and Lil Gotit are brothers
Lil Keed and Lil Gotit as kids

Rest in Peace to Lil Keed.

Read: Lil Keed has passed away at the age of 24

Lil Keed has passed away at the age of 24

Lil Keed has passed away at the age of 24

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