Jeezy is finally ending his “Thug Motivation” album series. TM 104: Legend of the Snowman is the end of an era for the icon from South Carolina, as it is his last record with Def Jam and his record of the series that made him so big to begin with. On this record, Jeezy seems to really embrace his roots. Although there are a few newer style trap cuts as one would expect, a lot of the instrumentals on this record remind me a lot of his music from the mid 2000s. I love the minimalist melodies and low key beats that focus on Jeezy’s lyrical content and stories.
One of my favorite tracks on the record that takes this style is ‘Fake Love,’ which features a beautifully sung chorus from Queen Naija. On this track, Jeezy tells the story of quite a few of his friends that have been less than faithful to him when he has struggled, only liking him for his money. I really recommend this song! Check out ‘Fake Love’ and the rest of the album with the Spotify below!