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Flo Rida was born on September 16th


When is Flo Rida’s birthday? When was Flo Rida born?

Known for his 2007 breakout single “Low”, Flo Rida has sold over 100 million records worldwide, making him a best-selling music artist. Tramar Lacel Dillard was born on September 16, 1979. The rapper/singer/songwriter is from Carol City, Florida. His discography includes the songs “Right Round,” “Good Feeling,” “Wild One,” “Whistle,” and “My House” – all of which were international hits.

He is well known for his expensive cars. His music can be heard in numerous movies, TV shows, and advertisements. His ability to crossover with pop music has made him one of Florida’s most profitable rap acts and a major force in the music business’s digital transformation. He turns 41 this year.

Happy Birthday, Flo Rida!

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