The first Hip-Hop comic book was Rappin’ Max Robot by Eric Orr
In June of 1986, South Bronx, New York artist Eric Orr created and published the first Hip-Hop Comic titled Rappin’ Max Robot – the first rappin’ comic, with the help of Pop Art icon Keith Haring. Eric’s love of Hip-Hop and Comics was the inspirition and motivation for the self-distrubuted, four-issue series, 500 copy, 12 page book, which had product placement in plent of record stores and comic stores in New York.
Eric Orr followed up the first issue of Rappin’ Max Robot (which sold for $1.25) with two special editions, folded 11×17″ zines which sold for 50¢ each.

Graffiti artist, Eric Orr has also designed and illustrated flyers and logos for rappers such as Busy Bee, Masters of Ceremony, and Diamond D.