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What does going “Gold”, “Platinum”, “Multi-Platinum”, & “Diamond” mean in music?


What do rappers & musicians mean by going “Gold”, “Platinum”, “Multi-Platinum” or “Diamond”? What does it mean in ?

The terms “Gold”, “Platinum”, “Multi-Platinum” or “Diamond” are nouns, which are used in the music industry by the RIAA (The Recording Industry Association of America) to stamp a milestone or musical achievement.

Gold means 500 thousand (500,000) copies of a song or an album sold.

Platinum means 1 million (1,000,000) copies of a song or an album sold.

Multi-Platinum means 2 million plus (2,000,000+) copies of a song or an album sold.

Diamond means 10 million (10,000,000) copies of a song or an album sold.

The terms “Gold”, “Platinum”, “Multi-Platinum”, or “Diamond” has been used by Jay-Z, Eminem, Rick Ross, Tyga, Meek Mill, J. Cole and many more rappers.

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