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T.I. was born on September 25th


How old is T.I.? When is T.I.’s birthday? When was T.I. born?

Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. was born on September 25th, 1980. He’s known professionally as T.I. and Tip, often stylized as TIP or T.I.P. Harris signed his first major-label record deal in 1999 with Arista subsidiary LaFace. Upon being released from Arista, Harris signed to Atlantic and subsequently became the co-chief executive officer (CEO) of his own label imprint, Grand Hustle Records, which he launched in 2003.

Harris is also known as one of the artists who popularized the hip hop subgenre trap music, along with Jeezy and Gucci Mane. Harris began to gain major recognition in 2003 following his first high-profile feature on fellow Atlanta-based rapper Bone Crusher’s single “Never Scared.” Throughout his career, Harris has also released several highly successful singles, including Billboard Hot 100 number one hits “Whatever You Like” and “Live Your Life”, the latter replaced the former atop the chart and helped Harris join a select group of artists to replace themselves at number one and simultaneously occupy the top two positions.

T.I. has won three Grammy Awards. He has served two terms in county jail, twice for probation violations and a federal prison bid for a U.S. federal weapons charge. While serving 11 months in prison, he released his seventh studio album No Mercy (2010). Harris has also had a successful acting career, starring in several films and co-hosting the reality show Rythem + Flow on Netflix.

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