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DJ Jazzy Jeff was born on January 22


When was DJ Jazzy Jeff born? DJ Jazzy Jeff was born on January 22, 1965.

DJ Jazzy Jeff was born Jeffrey Allen Townes in Philadelphia, PA, in 1965. He met The first rap Grammy went to none other than and the Fresh . The two-time Grammy-winning producer was a regular on of Bel-Air as Jazz, Will's best friend. After parting ways, Jeff went on to found A Touch of Jazz as a producer in his native Philly.

He is credited with inventing the transformer scratch, where a DJ moves the crossfader while scratching to achieve the sound like the children's cartoon Transformers would make when the robots would transform. He's since worked with the likes of , , Floetry, and others.

Fat Joe's first rap name was Fat Joe da Gangsta

Fat Joe’s first rap name was Fat Joe da Gangsta


Logic was born January 22