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Kendrick Lamar was born on June 17


When was Kendrick Lamar born? Kendrick Lamar was born on June 17.

was born in Compton on June 17, 1987. His full name is Kendrick Lamar Duckworth. His parents were from Chicago and he is a founding member of Hippy alongside Jay Rock, , and . The four got signed to and eventually 's Aftermath via Interscope. Kendrick has remained the biggest star outside of the supergroup and is a Grammy and Pulitzer prize-winning artist.

Lamar started rapping as K. Dot but decided to use his real name after some time. His early tapes include Overly Dedicated and his independent debut Section80. His other work includes Good Kid, M.A.A.D City, To Pimp a ButterflyUntitled Unmastered, and 2022's Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers.

He's cousins with . Kendrick is a father and added actor to his resume as well with a guest role on Power. His company pgLang is working on creative direction and movie production.

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