
YNW Melly was born on May 1


When was YNW Melly born? YNW Melly was born on May 1

Jamell Maurice Demons aka YNW Melly was born on May 1, 1999, in Gifford, Florida. He’s a rapper best known for the songs”Murder on My Mind” and “Mixed Personalities” featuring Kanye West. He faces double murder charges for the deaths of YNW Sakchaser and YNW Juvy, his friends, and his crew.

In 2020, the rapper tested positive for COVID-19 and petitioned for an early release, but was denied. His trial is set for sometime in 2022, and the previously implied death penalty has been dropped so he faces life in prison if convicted.

Albums & projects dropping May 2022

Albums & projects dropping May 2022


Fabolous’ ‘Throw It In a Bag’ went platinum on May 30, 2017