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Lil Uzi Vert was born on July 31


When was Lil Uzi Vert born? Lil Uzi Vert was born on July 31.

Symere Bysil Woods was born in 1995. The Philly-born rapper is known as and they are one of the most successful “Lil” rappers of all time. They blew up on and got picked up to tour with . Their breakout hit “XO Tour Llif3” put them on the A-list and they haven't left since. His is very emo and words are purposely spelled differently. His Luv is Rage albums increased his following.

Lil Uzi Vert's 'The Pink Tape' is not dropping this week

They've worked with artists and experimented with punk and rock music. He had a 10-karat diamond implanted into his forehead. He's been in a relationship with from . In 2022, Uzi came out as sexually fluid and changed their pronouns.

Related: Lil Uzi Vert Says ‘The Pink Tepe' was supposed to be “a free SoundCloud tape for my fans”


Brother Ali was born on July 30

New Music Friday (August 5th, 2022)

New Music Friday (August 5th, 2022)