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El-P was born on March 2


When was El-P born? El-P was born on March 2

El-P, shiort for El Producto, was born Jaime Meline in 1975 in Brooklyn. He got his start on Rawkus Records as part of the group Company Flow. He moved on to start his own label, Def Jux, and has been a prolific producer and rap artist.

He’s worked with Aesop Rock, Evil Nine, DJ Krush, Murs, Cage, Mr. Lif, Prefuse 73, Del tha Funkee Homosapien, Mike Ladd, The High and Mighty, Jedi Mind Tricks, Aceyalone, Atmosphere, Techno Animal, and Das Racist and is one half of Run the Jewels with Killer Mike.

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