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Eminem was born on October 17th


How old is Eminem? When is Eminem’s birthday? When was Eminem born?

Eminem, born Marshall Bruce Mathers III, celebrates his birthday on October 17. He was born in St. Joseph, Missouri in 1972 before moving to Detroit where he got his start in the rap game. He is one of the best-selling rap artists of all time and rose to fame in the 1990s after being discovered by mega-producer Dr. Dre. His major-label debut album The Slim Shady LP put him on the map while his next two albums, The Marshall Mathers LP and The Eminem Show, made him a rap icon.

He has 15 Grammy Awards and won an Oscar for “Lose Yourself” from the 8 Mile soundtrack, which was used in the movie of the same name based on his early life and starred Eminem as the main character Rabbit. He has struggled with substance abuse and domestic issues throughout his adult life, largely on wax for his audience to hear about. His more recent work has been moderately successful compared to his earlier work, although critics have been tough on the aging rap impresario. However, he has made waves later in his career with songs like “Rap God” and “I’m Not Afraid.” In 2020 he released the album Music to Be Murdered By.

Happy Birthday, Eminem!

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