
Travis Scott’s dad was a drummer and taught him how to play drums at the age of 3

Travis Scott and His Dad drumming
11 facts you didn't know about Travis Scott

Travis Scott comes from a musical family, 's dad was a drummer and taught Travis how to play drums at the age of 3. One of Travis Scott's uncles plays bass and his grandfather was a jazz musician with a PhD in philosophy. Travis Scott also played piano while growing up but he quit because it wasn't getting him any bitches.

Read: 11 facts you didn't know about Travis Scott

“When I was three years old my dad bought me my first drum set. I was playing drums extra hard, like I wasn't going to fail with that shit. I was a drum master. I used to think engineering was producing. Growing up I played the drums and then I played piano. I quit playing piano because it wasn't getting no bitches.” Travis Scott told Complex

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